# About Kleo Network

Kleo Network is a Data Liquidity Provider (DLP) for VANA Protocol. We want users to own their own consumption data with help of an extension.

# Benefits of owning this data

Kleo Network and VANA wants you to have equity in AI agents, data marketplaces, data aggregators where community created data is being utilised to drive economic value. Kleo has firm belief that this is unfair to the community, and thus should be addressed immediately.

We want your data to go and work for you while you sleep.

# How does this work?

# Step 1: Remove PII

Kleo is a simple extension which can be installed in any extension. We first remove all the Personally Identifiable Information (Names, Emails, Phones, Addresses, etc. FULL LIST ) - this makes your entire data psuedoanonymous, and thus cannot be triangulated back to the user. This is ensured with help of LLMs (Large Language Models).

# Step 2: Owning stake in $KLEO

Kleo chooses to define proof of contribution based on what users like to showcase from their consumption identity on platforms like twitter. These cards are generated when you click on the extension, and sharing them helps create a consumption data passport for you. This gives you KLEO XP Points

It's ensured that these cards are impossible to correlate to original information.

# Step 3: Owning stake in LLM Agents / Data Marketplaces / Data Aggregators

This depends on requirement of the data. Kleo and VANA DAO will come up with a proof of contribution which will then decide on user contribution tokens/$ amount will be shared.

# Step 4: Lets' Earn

Share and earn boys, share and earn!